This is Xavier... he was so happy and OBEDIENT--- There's nothing like the genuine smile of a child. What a doll.
And this is Heather, and these are her shoes. GORGEOUS right? The both of them? That smile, that coloring... oh I could have taken pictures of her all day--
Thanks Heather! It was so fun to finally meet you in person! Hope I didn't embarrass you too much with the snakes in my hair...
Obviously if I had it my way I would have just chased the kids around for a couple of hours and gotten tons of each of their GORGEOUS faces. Seriously...
Do you remember this little guy from his 6 month shoot?? Kym was one of my first clients! This time around I got to photograph his actual birthday party--- Kym caters, and makes all sorts of delicious treats, so I knew it'd be a good one. :)
Some friends... some cousins... partying... like rock stars. Or toddlers.
This is Millie. Oh boy. This little peanut reminded me so much of my girls--- and made me so aware of how huMONGOUS they are now compared to how they started... which..... made me a just a teensie tiny bit baby hungry. Not like, super hungry. Just a little bit hungry. Like for a snack. Like maybe for a cheese stick or a piece of peanut butter toast... not like for a slew of half-priced appetizers at Yardhouse that make you full through the entire weekend. So.... whatever that means. I think I got carried away and now the analogy just seems a little creepy.
In a nutshell, Millie was cute---- REALLY cute. And of course her mom said she's a sleepy little angel.... and then I came along. (She didn't say that part... that's just the truth.) Lately I feel like I have the magical touch--- only my magic makes them awake and grouchy. So sorry Robyn! I need to work on my baby whisper skills a little. At least she's gorgeous with her eyes open!